Every catering business should be equipped with special devices making it easier to prepare diversified meals. Each place won’t of course purchase exactly the same equipment – a restaurant serving sushi will need something else than for example an Italian place. However, appropriate devices are necessary both in a small café as well as in a big restaurant. What equipment is worth purchasing? Or maybe instead of buying it, one should consider the rental option? And, first of all, where to find it?

Where to buy catering equipment

Catering equipment is very expensive, so a specialist wholesaler will provide you with the best offer. It is a good place to start your search not only due to the most attractive price, but also to the availability of all necessary devices in one place. Wholesalers offering wide device range will provide you with everything you need. The only drawback consists in the fact that it may be hard to find one near your location. 

Fortunately, buying catering equipment at stores that operate online constitutes another option. Such stores offer a wide range of devices, but of course, a certain margin is added to the price of each piece of equipment purchased from them. But the devices can be ordered online and delivered to the provided location.

What equipment is available to catering businesses?

Catering equipment consists of multiple elements that can be purchased in stores or at wholesalers. They include among others different types of refrigerated cabinets, refrigerators or refrigerated tables. They will make it easier to keep all semi-finished products fresh while preparing the dishes. There are of course many more options – one can purchase a professional mincer, vegetable cutter or cheese slicer or a computing scale.  Various dishwashers, fryers, waffle makers, grills and microwave ovens are available as well.

What equipment is necessary in a catering outlet?

The necessary equipment depends on the exact type of your catering place and the food served. However, every outlet of this kind will need a microwave, a dishwasher or a coffee machine. A fridge or specialist refrigerated cabinets are a good choice as well. A pizza place will need a pizza oven, while a restaurant serving hot dishes cannot do without induction or gas cookers.

What to consider while purchasing catering equipment?

Many users wonder what they should take into consideration while choosing appropriate catering equipment. One of the most important aspects is constituted by the quality of the equipment purchased. What is more, equipment dimensions should not be ignored – the smaller the outlet, the more limited equipment dimensions should be. The warranty should not be ignored either – the longer, the better.

To buy or to rent?

Those making their first steps in the catering business ask themselves whether to buy or to rent the necessary equipment. Both options have their advantages. The equipment you purchase constitutes your property – but if your financial resources are limited, you will have to take up a loan and you will in fact become equipment owner only when it is paid off. There exists an alternative – while renting the equipment, you can resign from it in case you experience financial problems or cannot afford to pay for the rental.